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2022-11-30 15:50:30 來源:互聯網





Avideo blogorvideo log, usually shortened tovlog/vl?ɡ/, is a form of blog for which the medium is video, and is a form of web television.

Vlog entries often combineembedded video(or a video link) with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recordedin one takeorcutinto multiple parts. Vlog category is popular on the video-sharing platform YouTube.



one take

其中in one take 一鏡到底,take表示一個電影場景、一個動作、一首歌曲等的“一次拍攝;一次錄制”(an occasion when a film scene, song, action etc is recorded)舉個:

We had to dosix takesfor this particular scene.



cut應該都比較熟悉了,所謂的“剪視頻”,表示“剪輯(影片)”(to put the parts of a film together so that they make a continuous story, and get rid of the parts you do not want)


1)拍電視電影中,經常聽到的導演口令:Cut!表示“停!”(Cut! spoken said by the director of a film to tell people to stop acting, filming etc)

2)另外,我們經常在電腦上的剪切、復制、粘貼等操作中的“剪切”英文就是cut,解釋為“to remove something from a document or file on a computer”,舉個:

Tocut text, press Control + X.



3)cut corners表示“(做事)圖省事,貪便宜,取捷徑”(to do something in the easiest, cheapest, or fastest way),舉個:

There's a temptation to cut corners when you're pushed for time, but it's not worth it.


接著再來看vlog的其它定義,劍橋詞典(Cambridge Dictionary)給出的釋義為:a video blog:a record of your thoughts, opinions, or experiencesthat you film and publish on the internet. 視頻博客,就是對日常的思考、觀點、經歷或者體驗的記錄。

柯林斯詞典(Collins Dictionary)的釋義:A vlog is a set of videos that someone regularly posts on the internet in which theyrecord their thoughts or experiencesortalk about a subject.

牛津詞典(Oxford Dictionary)的釋義:A personal website or social media account where a person regularly posts short videos. 牛津詞典中還提到,vlog的起源于21世紀初。Origin:Early 21st century:blend of video and blog.


此處表示“混合詞(用另外兩個詞的首尾連接而成的)”,英文解釋為“a word formed by joining together the beginning and the end of two other words”舉個:

"Brunch" isa blend of"breakfast" and "lunch".


此外,blend也可以表示不同事物的“融合,結合”(a mixture of different things that combine together well),如:a blend of youth and experience 年輕而且有經驗。


說了這么多vlog,這個詞到底怎么讀呢?如果你細心的話,可能已經發現了文章開頭Wikipedia的定義就給出了音標:vlog /vl?ɡ/. 先來聽聽歐陽娜娜是怎么讀的吧。





As you can tell from the graph above, the popularity of vlogging has risenexponentiallythe last few years and continues to grow in a rapid pace.


The rise in popularity canbe attributed tothe fact that the equipment needed to produce vlogs has become cheaper and more accessible to a lot of people. Anyone with access to avideo-capable cameraand a internet connection can create a vlog and publish their vlogs online. So it has become a lot easier to become a vlogger.

Unlike the mainstream media, such as television or commercial websites, vloggers (usually) don't create vlogsfor the sole purpose ofmaking money. As a result, vlogging gives ordinary people the ability to share their opinion on any topic they want and produce content about anything they want.(From Vloggingpro.com)

近年來vlog這么火,你有沒有想學學怎么拍vlog呢?給你一份初學者教程:How to VLOG – Beginners Guide. 練練聽力吧。


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