2022-10-19 20:53:31 來源:互聯網
1. I’m not addicted to Wechat! You know, I just use it whenever I have time. Lunch time, break time, bed time, that time, this time, any time, all the time!我對微信并不上癮。我只在有空時玩微信。主要是在午飯時間、休息時間、睡前時間、這些時間、那些時間、任何時間和所有時間玩玩而已。(這里主要利用time來達到幽默的效果,仔細體會一下英文哦!)
2. I hate two-faced people.It’s so hard to decide which face to slap first.我最恨兩面派,因為我不知道先扇哪邊的臉,這讓我很為難。
3.When a woman says “WHAT?”, it’s not because she didn’t hear you. She’s just giving you a chance to change what you said.當一個女人說“什么?”,這不是因為她沒聽見你說什么。她只是在給你一個機會來收回你剛剛所說的話。
4. When people call you photogenic, they’re actually trying to tell you that you look uglier than your pics.當人們說你真上鏡時,他們其實是想告訴你:你本人看起來比照片丑多了。
1. People say laughter is the best medicine. Your face must be curing the world.人們說笑容是最好的良藥。你的臉一定能治愈全世界。
2. Don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t cheat, and don’t sell drugs. The government hates competition.不要偷,不要撒謊,不要欺騙,不要販毒。因為(美國)政府痛恨有人和它競爭。
3. Marriage is a relationship in which one person is always right and the other is the husband.婚姻是這樣一種關系,一個人永遠是對的,另一個人是丈夫。
4. Sometimes you just need some space…to fart.有時你只是需要一些空間來放屁!
1. They say that love is more important than money, but have you ever tried to pay your bills with a hug?他們說愛比金錢更重要,但是你是否試過用一個擁抱來付你的賬?
2. When I’m on my death bed, I want my final words to be “I left one million dollars in the…”當我臨終之時,我希望我的最后遺言是“我留了一百萬美金,放在了。”
3 I always learn from mistakes of others who take my advice.我總是從那些聽了我的建議之后犯錯的人哪里吸取經驗教訓。